The World's Tallest Romeo
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
True Love Over Night
True Love Over Night
In Act II of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, my favorite scene is the famous balcony scene in scene II, as it proves the element of true love. It is well written, contains poetic elements that make Shakespeare’s idea of true love believable. Romeo is very different in this scene, he is eloquent and charming as he talks about his love for Juliet. It also tells the decision of the two young lovers who spontaneously make life changing decisions in this scene based on their love which they believe is never ending and unstoppable.
The balcony scene contains romantic elements that proof the true love between Romeo and Juliet. “It is the East, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.”(Shakespeare) Romeo is in front of Juliet's window and without her hearing him, he describes his love for her and her beauty with that quote by comparing her to the sun. As Juliet appears on the balcony, Romeo compares that to the dawn and her to the rising sun, so beautiful that she outshines the moon. That proves Romeo’s true love to Juliet as he said this to himself without having her listen.
Romeo’s love to Juliet is real compared to his love to Rosaline which was an immature crush. In Act II Scene II Romeo says “The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars As daylight doth a lamp; her eye in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night.” (Shakespeare) Romeo is again comparing Juliet to the sun, where as he compares Rosaline to a lamp. Like his love for Rosaline, that was not real compared to his love for Juliet, the lamp’s light is not real compared to the light of the sun. This proves his true love to her as well as his newly gained maturity.
In the balcony scene Romeo and Juliet make spontaneous yet life changing decisions. “wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”(Shakespeare) Juliet wishes her love were someone else but Romeo who is her enemy. She wishes he would renounce his name so they could be in love, or that he will swear his love to her so she would renounce hers. That is a significant point as they both come from wealthy families, giving up their names and titles would leave them penniless. Especially is it a great risk for Juliet as she is a woman, and not able to work and earn her own money. She doesn’t only give up wealth, she gives up herself. Being caught up in the moment, and loving not only the other person but the feeling to love they consider such dramatic decisions so spontaneously.
The balcony scene in Act II is very Romantic. It proves Romeo and Juliet’s true love to each other and shows Romeo’s development to a more mature and eloquent man as he talks about his love to Juliet. Romeo and Juliet believe that nothing can ever change their love to each other and they would do anything to be together.
Sources: google images
In Act II scene II Julia is talking about how she wishes that Romeo weren't Romeo, a Montague and her enemy. She wishes that he would renounce his name and title and if he didn't she would. Montague is only a name nothing else. Romeo would still be the same man, with the one difference of no longer being her enemy.
Friday, September 18, 2015
The Comedic first Impressions of a Tragedy
The Comedic first Impressions of a Tragedy
The story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy in which two teenagers from two families that are in a quarrel with each other, fall in love. Romeo form the family Montague and Juliet from the family Capulet. When their families want to prevent their love, Romeo and Juliet take their lives and that way, end the quarrel between their families. The play is a tragedy, and ends accordingly in death, in this case the death of Romeo and Juliet. The play however also has some comedic elements to it, such as Juliet’s nurse who is a kind women who will never stop talking.
The play starts of with a fight between servants between the houses Capulet and Montague. Similarly to Juliet’s nurse, these servants are comedic characters. This gives the audience a positive first impression on the play. It starts of funny which convinces the audience member to stay even knowing that the play will ultimately end in the death of the two protagonists.
The characters Romeo and Juliet are in many ways similar, which is probably one of the reasons they fell in love with. Both are lonely, part of a family that is in a constant feud with another. They suffer from that.

Thursday, September 17, 2015
Rome and Juliet
Act I Scene I &Act I Scene II
Act I Scene I
In Act I scene II of Romeo and Juliet, two servants of the house Capulet get into a fight with servants of the house Montague. benvolio and Tybalt enter and join the fight. Soon other citizens enter the fight as well and there is complete chaos. The Prince comes in and stops the fight at last. The Montague's talk about who started the fight and wonder where Romeo is.
Act I Scene II
In act I scene II of Romeo and Juliet, Paris comes to see Julia's father and asks to marry her. Romeo talks to Benvolio about his love to Rosalinde. They decide to sneak into a fest at the Capulet's house so Romeo can see her.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
A Book as A Play
book “The curious incident of the dog in the night time” is about an
autistic boy named Christopher, who is a math genius. When he finds his
neighbours dog dead stabbed with a garden fork he decides to do his own
detective work to find the killer. When he finds out that it was his
father he fears for his own life and leaves to live with his mother who
had left him and his father and of whom his father told him she died.
The play “The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime” is in many
way different than the book. The author had to make some significant
changes to turn the book into a play. The play “The curious incident of
the dog in the night time” is a lot shorter than the book as
descriptive parts will be imagined on stage and were therefore cut out
of the text. The play is partly read out loud by Christophers teacher
Siobhan so that such descriptive parts wouldn’t be lost.
Author of the play “The curious incident of the dog in the night time”
decided that some of the descriptions of Christopher were too
significant to be cut. The play is about how Siobhan, Christopher's
teacher and probably the only person that he truly trusts, reads the
diary from Christopher. The action that takes place is being played out
by the actors while some of Christopher's thoughts and descriptions are
read out by Siobhan. That allows that no detail is lost in the play but
it still is, in my opinion at least, more entertaining than reading all
the book’s long descriptions of Christopher’s complex thinking.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Literature vs. Performance
Literature is a tangible piece of language. It is often connected to ideas of universal interests or ideas. It is a written piece of work that contains creativity and emotion. Literature can be poetry, a novel, biographies essays, speeches and plays. I could go on with the long list of all the things that literature can be but that would make this blog pretty boring. My point is that literature can be so much, similar to the word play literature has no fixed limits. It is open to interpretation. Is a newspaper article literature? I think it is.
A performance is a form of entertainment, that it is put on to entertain an audience. This can be in a movie or on stage. It can be; singing dancing, acting, art or even playing jokes. Like for literature, the list on what performance is, is endless and up to interpretation.
Literature tends to be static. One can read the same book several times and it will still be the same book. A performance will never be the same. The audience’s response alone can change the way actors perform. Different actors and directors might perform and direct a play differently. A performance is more flexible than a piece of literature.
A novel is a piece of literature. It is fictional narrative with a descriptive setting, action and detailed character. A Novel tends to be longer than a play and is built with chapters and paragraphs. A play, as in the written play is made up of stage directions and dialogue. Is is shorter than a novel, as all the action and the visual effects that are described in the novel are brought to life later on stage when the written play is performed.
A novel and a play both have a similar setup. It starts with the setting of the “normal World”. Then comes a catalyzed for change that will cause action. This can be a characters emotions and thought, or another event. The climax of the novel or play is its highest and most exciting part. After that it falls back to the “new normal”. In a novel or play is often a journey that causes a transformation.
“literature”,9 september 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Script Play Production
"A script is obviously less than a play, while a production is more." -Ronald Hayman, How to Read a Play
A production is definitely more than a script. The script is what we read and only is what we read. A production is what we see what is performed. A play can be more than a script. It can be the written book that we read simply another word for script. I can however also be a production. If we consider a play a script it is less then a production. If we consider a play like a production it is more that a script. The word 'play' has no fixed limits that help us to organize it.
A production is definitely more than a script. The script is what we read and only is what we read. A production is what we see what is performed. A play can be more than a script. It can be the written book that we read simply another word for script. I can however also be a production. If we consider a play a script it is less then a production. If we consider a play like a production it is more that a script. The word 'play' has no fixed limits that help us to organize it.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Who am I
My name is Wiebke Leser. I am fifteen years old and a Junior in high school. I was born in Emmendingen Germany. My father is a chemist, my mother is a lector and author for children and young adult books. I have two older sisters. When I was twelve we moved from Germany to the United States because of my father’s job. I started singing when I was about five years old. Acting didn’t become a part of my life until later at about the age of ten however it wasn’t until I came to Cheshire Academy that I seriously started doing it. I came to know that it was something I very much enjoyed so I decided to take a class about Literature and Performance which this Blog is for.
As a person I am outgoing and self-confident. I think one of my biggest strength is that I hate to give up on things. I always want to finish what I start and that to the best of my ability. Debating even difficult topics with others is something I enjoy and I am able to think out of the box. I am fluent in English and German and take French as a third language. I enjoy reading, and also writing. I love to travel, learning about different people and their cultures in different places of the world. From Europe over Indonesia to Morocco and Tunisia I can say from myself that I have been to quite a lot of different places.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
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