Monday, May 23, 2016

Ohhhhhhh an Alien!!!

Comedy Night was a collection of student directed and student written comedy skits in addition to some dance numbers and songs, that were student led as well. Doing Track and Field in the spring, I was not meant to be in the play however when one of the actors got sick I stepped in on short notice and ended up being in two skits (the first and last number). In between those I was helping the stage crew which meant I was on headset and helping with scene changes, organizing props and making sure actors were ready to enter. It was very interesting for me to learn about all the tech and crew things that go on behind stage. Usually I am an actor so I never realized how much work it was to be a stage manager. It was also interesting to learn how the stage crew always knew when what to move where: Mrs Guarino who was in the both would let us know when it was time for a scene change, when the pit needed to play and when the lights had to come up or down. We then let her know when the scene change was over and the actors were ready.

    Many of the skits were open to improvisation which made them funny for the audience and the actors as they were different each time they were played. However this also created some confusing and messy situations. During the first performance an actress felt to sick to go on stage and we had to spontaneously replace her. Being on the headset, I heard about every mistake or problem and it was my job to help solve it.

    The last skit I was in was a song I sang with my sister. She is a senior and we have done more shows together than I can count on my fingers. This was my last chance to do something with her, so I was glad that we could do the song together. I was very nervous when performing it so that in both performances I struggled a bit with the second verse. Nevertheless I think it went well and it was a great challenge to learn to song in so little time.

    Overall I really enjoyed being in the play,even if it was only two weeks. The audience laughed a lot especially during the morning meeting skit. Also I enjoyed doing one more show with my sister. I am glad that I could help out and it made me happy that they asked me when they needed someone to step in.

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