Monday, December 14, 2015

My Love, My Love discussion questions

  1. In the beginning of the book Ti Moune believes her faith to be in the God's hands. When she lives with Daniel does her attitude towards the Gods change? (Hint: Think about the idea of taking faith into one's own hand)
  2. Is the love between Ti Moune and Daniel true love? Does Daniel truly love Ti Moune and does Ti Moune truly love Daniel?
  3. How is Ti Mounes transition of her attitude and relationship towards the Gods represented by the butterfly? (expand on passage second paragraph page 141 “And the Butterfly…”)
  4. When Ti Moune is in the peasant village her biggest dream is to fly away, escape the boeing peasant life and explore the world. Does her wish come true when she decides to leave the peasant village and becomes Daniel’s “Mistress”?

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