Monday, December 7, 2015

Ti Moune Costume

Ti Moune Costume
If I were to stage this novel as a play I would make sure there is a difference between Ti Moune and the rest of the peasant village. She needs to somehow stick out labeling her as both the protagonist and the dreamy outsider. I would dress most peasants in light brown and white costumes. Simple clothing as they are peasants. To have Ti Moune stick out I would make her costume different from all the others. I picture her in a dress, in a more modern cut than those of the other peasants to show her wish to see the big wide modern world. I would also add more colors to her costumes, thought still brown it will have a hint of purple to it.
I would not show connections between her and the rich other than that her dress is slightly moder. Instead I would underline her contrast to Daniel by dressing him much differently. His cloth should be clean and tended while her dress is a bit dirty and crinkled. I would however show her connection to the gods. I would put a flower in her hair that can also be found in Asakas flower crown. I would also give her a necklace blue to show her connection to Agwe and shaped like a butterfly to symbolize her wishes from the gods.

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