Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Love, My Doctor Scene Proposal

Our group decided to stage the novel  My Love, My Love in an insane asylum. We based this idea on Ti Moune’s irrational obsession with Daniel. In our scene, Ti Moune gets into a car accident and loses her memory. She is sent to an insane asylum where she meets Dr. Goodman. Ti Moune imagines the story of her love to Dr. Goodman, who represents Daniel, and tries everything she can to convince him that they are meant to be together. Dr. Goodman tries to resist her advances, yet be a good doctor towards his patient. Ti Moune is helped by her imaginary friend, who is another patient with multible personality disorder. This character will represent the four Gods. When Dr. Goodman’s girlfriend, Andrea, appears unexpectedly, Ti Moune is devestated. She tries to break the two apart but fails, and they leave her heartbroken in her room.
    In this scene, Bryn will play the Gods and Andrea, who only appears briefly during the end, Wiebke will play Ti Moune and John will play Dr. Goodman. In our scene we included many small similarities to the book.  Some similarities include a comb, a car accident, the relationship between sane and insane (the rich and the poor), the four Gods, and our biggest theme, Ti Moune’s obsession with Daniel/Dr. Goodman.  While these are similarities, we incorperated them in slighty different ways that still hold true to the storyline of the book. In the our scene, we created an ending that mimicks the novel.  In the novel, Daniel marries Andrea and throws Ti Moune out of the hotel- an action that will ultimately result in her death.  Similarly, our scene ends with Dr. Goodman and Andrea leaving together from Ti Moune’s room.  Therefore, Ti Moune, in both scenarios is “on the other side of the fence.” While in the book she cannot reenter, in our scene, she cannot run after them.

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