Friday, January 22, 2016

A Long Way to Goooooooooooooo...................................................................................................................................

In our scene my group emphasizes on Ti Moune’s obsession with Daniel. Instead of him being in the car accident, she was, losing her memory. Ti Moune is send into a clinic called: The Antilles Sanitorium. Here she meets Dr. Goodman, who she thinks of as Daniel and believes to be meant to be together with. The characters name Dr. Goodman comes from it french equivalent, Beauxhomme which is Daniel's last name in the book. We made this choice to create a similarity between Daniel and Dr. Goodman. Dr. Goodman tries his best to act towards Ti Moune like to a regular patient, yet at the same time tries to ignore her attempts to convince him that they are meant to be together. Ti Moune receives help and support by her imaginary roommate, a patient with multiple personality disorder, who takes on the role of all the Gods. The idea that all the Gods speak through one person appears twice in the book. This is a difficult choice to do on stage as the lines are complex, and difficult to learn. This means that the actress of the Gods has to switch among several characters in short time which is not an easy ask to accomplish. A the same time the Bryn has to learn not only her lines but also which character says them.
Stronger Light for reality
Weaker light for God scenes
I still need to get more comfortable with portraying Ti Moune’s obsession with Daniel or Dr. Goodman. I have to portray her chemistry towards him in an almost creepy way that freaks him out and makes him uncomfortable. To empathise this we need to add some lines, also because our script is still a few minutes short. We came up with some lines during class today, therefore we should write these down and run the scene again timing it to determine how much we are still missing. I also have to have bigger reactions on what he says or does. As Ti Moune I always switch up whatever he says to me to make it sound to me however I want it to. For example when he tells me he is my Doctor and will take care of me Ti Moune understands it that he likes her the way she likes him and is concerned about her well being. This misunderstanding each other is a very important theme of the book. In the book Ti Moune is convinced that Daniel loves her and is deeply disappointed when he leaves her for Andrea.
Conveniently we do not have any scene changes, however we have a few lighting and sound cues that we need to work on. Looking at the scenes of others I noticed that we have to make ours more funny and intriguing for the audience.
Overall my group is making good progress, though we need to add some lines to the script it is already pretty solid. We got started on the blocking as well. This and the memorization are the next steps that we have to work on.

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