Thursday, February 25, 2016

Why I we tell the Story...

Oral Presentation
  1. Novel
The story My love, my love, or, The peasant girl by Rosa Guy is a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, set on a fictional island in the Caribbean. In the book a young black peasant girl named Ti Moune, devotes her life and love to an upper class boy named Daniel Beauxhomme, whose life she has safed, willing to give up everything for her love to him. A major theme in the book, and in our group adaptation is the theme of false hope. Ti Moune is convinced that Daniel reciprocates her love, and though many try to persuade her of the opposite, she is confident that she and Daniel are meant to be and will be married. However that doesn’t pass, instead he leaves her for a upper class girl named Andrea. Ti Moune is devastated, she waits at the gates of the where Daniel lives, until she is almost starved to death, and is then killed by a mass panic at the wedding of Daniel and Andrea.

2.)  Adaptation:
In our addition we expanded on the idea of the false hope. What Ti Moune feels for Daniel is not just love, it is obsession. Our group wanted to expand on this. Therefore we changed the setting of the book. In our adaptation Ti Moune has gotten in a car crash and has lost her memory.
  • 4 characters:
    • Gods
    • Ti Moune
    • Daniel Dr. Goodman
    • Andrea
  • false hope
  • obsession
In our scene my group emphasizes on Ti Moune’s obsession with Daniel. Instead of him being in the car accident, she was, losing her memory. Ti Moune is send into a clinic called: The Antilles Sanitorium. Here she meets Dr. Goodman, who she thinks of as Daniel and believes to be meant to be together with. The characters name Dr. Goodman comes from it french equivalent, Beauxhomme which is Daniel's last name in the book. We made this choice to create a similarity between Daniel and Dr. Goodman. Dr. Goodman tries his best to act towards Ti Moune like to a regular patient, yet at the same time tries to ignore her attempts to convince him that they are meant to be together. Ti Moune receives help and support by her imaginary roommate, a patient with multiple personality disorder, who takes on the role of all the Gods. The idea that all the Gods speak through one person appears twice in the book. This is a difficult choice to do on stage as the lines are complex, and difficult to learn. This means that the actress of the Gods has to switch among several characters in short time which is not an easy ask to accomplish. A the same time the Bryn has to learn not only her lines but also which character says them.

    3.) Staging:
  • the stage is simple
  • light and gods magical realism
  • a couch and a chair center stage
  • describe certain action and movement on the stage
  • the choices my group made (overall group performance)

        4.) Role:
  • the part I played
  • the part in the book and the movie

        5.) You Performance:
  • the specific choices that I made

        6.) Conclusion:
  • what I/ we as a group did well
  • difficulties→ learning outcome→ improvement

    I ran out of words but this is the beginning of what I have.

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