Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Language Without Words

What makes the scene of my group unique and creative is the abstract interpretation that we used. We placed the scene in a completely different setting though having some familiar elements in it. What makes our scene particularly creative is the way we make the book “My Love, My Love” look like it was all just an imagination that happened in Ti Moune's head. We twisted the plot of the book around. Instead of Daniel being in the car crash, Ti Moune was. Instead of Daniel losing his memory, Ti Moune did. The interesting part is that Ti Moune believes that everything that happens in the book up until the point where she meets Daniel again in the city, actually happened. Ti Moune still tries to take care of Daniel of whom she believes to be hurt which is ironic as he is actually her doctor. That way Daniel, or in our scene Dr. Goodman has to try to avoid her attempts to win the love she believes he has for her. The love she thinks he has forgotten. This obsession coming from Ti Moune, and the way that creeps out the reserved Dr. Goodman makes the scene amusing and original.
Our scene emphasizes the almost sickly obsession that Ti Moune has with Daniel. No matter how unlikely it seems that the two of them might be together and how many people tell her should go while she still can, she never listens. Ti Moune convinced that she is meant to be with Daniel, and that they must be together. She also has that blind trust in the Gods who we display as an imaginary patient who suffers from multiple personality disorder. This performance is supposed to make the reader see Ti Moune’s love to Daniel less like love and more like an obsession.
The greatest difficulty about my part as Ti Moune is to make the audience accept and buy the creepy crazy character that we have made her. This means I need to be comfortable playing a complete nutjob stage. I show that not only through my lines but most importantly through my body language. One some days this is easier for me than on others. It is both my greatest success and my biggest frustration. As for now it is difficult for me to estimate how convincing our scene is. Therefore we should definitely video it to see how it looks. Another frustration is that I wish there was a bit more action involved on my part. Most of the time I just sit on the couch in Stage Center and only move from the left to the right side of the couch. Thought does not prevent that my part is portrayed more convincingly, it makes that a lot more difficult as most of my reactions need to be showed through my face and upper body.
Overall I believe that I learn a lot from being in this scene. The part that I am playing is unlike everything I have ever played. It attacks what I believe to be my biggest weakness as an actor which to openly and strongly portray emotions and reaction particularly on parts where I don’t have lines. Thus it challenges me to act merely through facial expressions and body language.

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