Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Take One...

Take One...
I think the first draft was okay. Since we didn’t have as much time as I had hoped to work on it I didn’t get as comfortable with my lines yet. This doesn’t only result in my having my head stuck behind my script but also it makes the acting harder as it prevents me from freely moving. I also need to get a bit more comfortable with some difficult words or phrase in Shakespearean English. In addition to that I need to make it more funny especially when I am playing Romeo. The same thing is for John when he is Juliet.
We also need to look if, and how we are going to use props. For instance we need a vial for the sleeping potion that Friar Lawrence gives Juliet. Also we need to think of costuming. It would be very funny if John and I could wear the same thing as when we are both playing Juliet and when we are playing Romeo. That will also add to the argument we are trying to make. 

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