Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Skeleton

  • THESIS: While in the beginning of the play, Romeo and Juliet were the man and woman one would expect them to be in a society in the late 1500s, throughout the play their roles flip, as Romeo shows traits that would appear womanish in a Shakespearean society, while Juliet acts in ways that showed traits which were counted as manly. In our performance we showed this gender switch by changing the gender of the actor along with costuming and characterization decisions to prove our point.

Paragraph 1.
  • Romeo in the beginning of the play
    • what was his character?
      • specific examples from text
    • what did you do in your performance to show that?
  • *~1-2 paragraphs
    • one analysis one performance
Paragraph 2.
  • Juliet in the beginning of the play
    • what was her character?
      • specific examples from text
    • what did you do in your performance to show that?
  • *~1-2 paragraphs
    • one analysis one performance
Paragraph 3.
  • Romeo’s transition how was he in the end of the play?
    • how did he change?
    • what shows that he did?
    • how is he now?
    • examples from text
    • what did you do in your performance to show that?
  • *~2 paragraphs

Paragraph 4.
  • Juliet's transition how was she in the end of the play?
    • how did she change?
    • what shows that she did?
    • how is she now?
    • examples from text
    • what did you do in your performance to show that?
  • *~2 paragraphs

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